4909 North Monroe St.
Tallahassee, FL 32303
 Cook Books    
 Inspirational Books    
 Children, biography    

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Please invite your friends and relatives and others

We will have a much better opportunity to make a gigantic impact this year if you will encourage your friends, neighbors, relatives and others to join with us. So please make a concerted effort to contact them no matter where they live throughout the width and breadth of our great country and ask them to join hands with us.

Please ask them to visit this website, and don?t forget to have them click on the jacket cover of RONNIE, where they can learn the goal, purpose and objective of this important initiative. With your personal contacts you will help us immensely in moving forward.

During 2006 if we expand into 500 communities and if each of our Representatives enlists sponsors for only sixty cases of books during the year, we will distribute 1,440,000 copies of RONNIE and this will impact every family member in that many homes.

Furthermore, by reaching this target, BADM BOOKS will fund approximately $2.5 million in scholarships that will be awarded to 1,000 students within the communities that have accepted our challenge to make a difference.

Although we have established an ambitions agenda for our first year, with your personal help this goal can be reached and perhaps exceeded.

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