The Author?s personal comment to you
Bill Williams
Author of ?RONNIE?
Presents Our
Thanks for visiting our website and thanks
for your interest in our
I personally designed this program and trust
that you will find herein an agenda that you will strongly support
by becoming actively involved.
Please accept the following
as my personal message to you.
Our only goal
is to make known to every youth, teenager and young adult in America
?RONNIE?S? tragic story
in an effort
to keep them from falling into the miserable, pathetic pit
of alcohol abuse that stole his life.
I wrote ?RONNIE? because
the demon that claimed his life
can also claim, then devastate the life of every gullible young
It matters not if you are rich or poor, good or bad, man or woman,
boy or girl, black or white,
republican, democrat or independent.
That monster will imprison the life,
or at least destroy the spirit, of anyone, impartially,
without concern for their personal status in life
simply because
it?s dominating and over-powering grasp
shows no favoritism,
there are no exemptions or
Bill Williams
Getting it done
are taking RONNIE?S story into every community and we
obviously need help at the local level because we
simply can?t do it alone.
To meet
our objective, I developed this marketing strategy so that we
may associate with one person (aka/our Representative)
in each community. These individuals will be granted
exclusive rights for their
territory. Now that I?ve said that, in major cities such as Atlanta,
etc., the mire size of these areas dictate that it will be necessary
to have more than a single Representative.
format creates extremely good part-time jobs for our Representatives;
therefore, we will select the most qualified person in each community.
For this very special program we will sanction only sincere individuals
who have outgoing personalities, unblemished character, honest
people who enjoy meeting and talking with others, those who seek
to excel in life but more important, people who absolutely
believe in our goal, purpose and objective.
Among those we offer positions include
these distinct groups:
(a) Parents
who are concerned about underage drinking and alcohol abuse among
students, those who are eager to make a difference in their community.
(b) College
students who would represent us throughout the
community where they attend college. Students who have strong
records of community service in their home town and are dedicated
to personal academic excellence. Students who have completed their
freshman class and have chosen for their personal life-style a
path that correlates with the intent and purpose of our program.
(c) Retirees
who are active and eager to use their knowledge and experience
in making a difference in accordance with the tenants of our program.
(d) Military
Retired Officers who will put into action their
many years of dedication and experience in leading the charge
to make a difference.
(e) School
Mentors and/or PTA members who have already made
a difference in the life of many young people.
are only interested in sincere individuals who appreciate and
recognize that our program concerns itself with a deadly serious
matter. Without question, we could place an ad in any community
newspaper and by morning have a hundred or more people applying
for these positions simply for the financial benefit. This is
not what we are looking for, this is not our
those who are selected as Representatives we can assist in developing
their job skills to match our needs, but we
cannot infuse in them motivation, character
or people-skills. These traits have to come from within. If you
know that you can measure up then by all means please apply at
once as we are now filling positions with those we are assured
can truly make a difference.
These are as close to perfect part-time positions
as you will find.
Representative is an independent
royalty commission is $168 per each case.
marketing projections indicates that, based on my personal sales
success, it takes no more
than a single hour to travel, meet with and detail our program
to a prospective sponsor.
you dedicate
an average of only two hours per day, over a five day week,
and reach a success ratio of only fifty percent, your annual
royalty earnings should be around $44,000.
this same scenario, college
students, assuming a thirty-nine week school
year, would average about $33,000. I believe you?ll agree this
isn?t bad income for a full time college
is no cost
to be granted an exclusive right to a territory but you do have
to meet the requirements as herein.
will need
your own transportation.
you may be able to get by without computer access; however,
I believe the entire program will work more smoothly for those
who can communicate effectively via the internet and e-mail.
you do not have to purchase inventory, you
will need to purchase ONE
copy of RONNIE so that you can read
and completely understand his story and then use it as a magnificent
prop to detail our program to potential sponsors. This sample
copy is your best sales tool and provides for you a
perfect sales technique. The cost per copy is $26.90 which includes
shipping and handling. We will mail your copy upon receiving
your check made payable to BADM BOOKS and mailed to the address
listed herein.
Our Bell Sheep Advantage
It has been said, ?In the Holy
Land they put a bell on one sheep and when it moves all the
rest of the flock moves with him?.
essence, we are following this age-old tradition as we move
our program into every community in America. Our ?Bell Sheep?
are those
who posses leadership abilities and unquestioned character,
people who truly believe in our program, those who are sincere
in making a difference in the life of our most precious assets,
our young people.
program is entitled ?A Message from RONNIE?
and is taken from the pages of my fourth book, RONNIE.
We are joining hands with dynamic individuals to rapidly expand
our effort into every community, nationwide. Our primary objective
is, and shall forever be, to
make a difference in the life of youth,
teenagers and young adults concerning underage drinking
and alcohol abuse.
is our reason, our only motive.
RONNIE you will find fabulous comments
and/or endorsements from ICONS of their profession. I gladly
compare this book to any book relative to the quality and quantity
of endorsements. You will truly enjoy reading what others have
to say about RONNIE. These endorsers
have already made a major impact
on thousands of our readers and their words will continue ringing
true to help us spread our story to hundreds of thousands of
students and citizens in communities of every state.
need for this program is NOW. Each day delayed, is a day that
we lose the opportunity to make a positive influence in the
life of many. Due to the ever expanding necessity to educate
young people about the pains
and sufferings caused by alcohol, our program
will not end, but continue indefinitely.
I am most certainly convinced
when a program is a win, win, win situation for all concerned
it should be pursued with haste, ours is this type,
including a fourth intent. First and foremost, we are making
a difference in the lives of young people;
second, we offer a sound financial opportunity to assist college
students with their education, third, through our success we
are awarding scholarships to those in need, and fourth, we guarantee
that every person who actively participates in this program
will forever be reminded of the satisfaction received from their
actions of reaching out and touching
the life of many young people.
We will rapidly expand our program
and increase our success as we associate with individuals who
have a positive attitude, those who share our interest and the
intent of our objective. I trust that you will approve of our
goal and accept our challenge
to become an exclusive representative.
a Representative, you will become extremely successful and earn
significant part-time income rather quickly, however, your
true success will be measured by the positive impression
and influence that you bring to young people and your success
will comfort thousands throughout their entire life!
Our Fabulous Endorsements
Kind words of Encouragement
am extremely proud of our
many endorsements. With the publication of each new edition
of RONNIE we use alternate comments
by those who have lent their words for our success.
will be honorably delighted
to call to the attention of your potential sponsors the words
of these ICONS.
is not another book in print that has earned the quality endorsements
as has that RONNIE. The support we?ve
received from U. S. Presidents and other highly influential
individuals who understand the problem associated with the atrocious
dilemma of alcohol abuse will
astonish you. Scattered throughout RONNIE
you will find extraordinary comments from presidents, governors,
senators, congressmen, ministers, educators, school associations,
coaches and many others.
the most impressive endorsement
I?ve received is from a student after a school assembly in Marianna,
Florida. The gym was packed. The principal scheduled me to speak
on Friday, the day before Spring Break, for obvious reasons.
A young student came up after the assembly and said, ?Mr. Williams,
I was going drinking this weekend with my friends to celebrate
Spring Break but I?m not going to go now?. I congratulated her
on her decision then asked how old she was. She said, ?14?.
This was a middle school student, an 8th grader. We
truly have a lot of work to do!
me personally, from the moment that young girl spoke those words
I was assured that I had written a book, developed a program,
gave a speech and successfully touched one of the students that
I was destined to make a difference in their life. I
knew for certain this was the first of many
young people that our program was going to reach. At that moment,
in the middle of the gym floor, I was assured there would be
no turning back! So, as we continue to play a positive role
and have a sober, encouraging influence in the life of young
people, we are expanding
our outreach in search of countless thousands of more young
people just like this young girl.
the young eighth grader was the first, now I
need your assistance so we together can
move forward and spread this ultra important message to thousands
upon thousands of other young men and women across your community,
your state and around this magnificent country.
and/or Comments
When talking with a potential
sponsor be sure to make known our endorsements that have been
posted throughout the book. All
are extraordinary! The following are those
published in the current edition of RONNIE.
Governor Jeb Bush, Florida
Congressman Tom Osborne, Former Coach, Nebraska
Foreword by Bobby Bowden ? Coach, Florida State
Chapter 1 No space available
Chapter 2 Coach Bill Snyder, Kansas State
Chapter 3 Coach Tyrone Willingham, University of Notre Dame
Chapter 4 Coach Tommy Bowden, Clemson University
Chapter 5 No space available
Chapter 6 Tom Gallagher ? Florida Chief Financial Officer
Chapter 7 No space available
Chapter 8 Charlie Crist, Florida Attorney General
Chapter 9 Coach Frank Beamer, Virginia Tech
Chapter 10 Lee Corso, ESPN Sports
Chapter 11 Senator Trent Lott, MS U.S. Senator
Chapter 12 Coach Tommy Tuberville, Auburn University
Chapter 13 David Stewart, WV State Superintendent of Schools
Chapter 14 Butch Davis, Coach
Chapter 15 Eighth grade student, Marianna, FL
Chapter 16 Governor Mike Foster, Louisiana
Chapter 17 No space available
Chapter 18 Dr. Janice Petersen, Governors Office, NC
Chapter 19 Coach Phillip Fulmer, U of Tennessee
Chapter 20 LaVell Edwards, Former Coach, BYU.
Chapter 21 President Bill Clinton
Chapter 22 Football student/athlete ? Tate HS, Cantonment, FL
Chapter 23 J. Dennis Hastert, Speaker U. S. House
Chapter 24 Governor Bob Riley, Alabama
Chapter 25 Coach Mark Richt, University of Georgia
Chapter 26 Governor Roy Barnes, Georgia
President Gerald R. Ford
Coach Lou Holtz
Coach Randy Walker, Northwestern University
Our Goal
and Objective
previously stated, our single purpose is to help educate every
youth, teenager and young adult about the horrors of underage
drinking and alcohol abuse. So that we may be extremely
successful with our purpose, I designed the program as the blueprint
that will take us where we will do the
most good for the greatest number of young
wrote the program based on a set of values that
we must take
into every community. We must reach every middle school, high
school and college student so they will personally understand
our mission. I have an ingrained, deep-rooted passion to make
a difference in the life style of young people and we
must not fail because our goal is crucially
Purpose in Life
taking time off and relaxing around home after a prostate procedure,
my daughter Ashley brought me a copy of ?THE PRAYER
OF JABEZ?. The book so fascinated me that I read
it methodically three or four times. I knew for certain that I,
like Jabez, wanted God to bless my life and increase my territory
so that I may spread Ronnie?s
story far and wide to all who would listen.
week or so later, a friend gave me a copy of ?THE
PURPOSE DRIVEN LIFE?. This magnificent book also
had an immediate impact on me. There is no question that we are
put on earth for a specific purpose and it?s
up to each of us to find that
purpose and fulfill our obligation to the
recovery, my future was set in concrete; I had to tell my brother?s
story and I knew that no one could tell it better than someone
who had been as close to becoming an alcoholic as I had. Perhaps,
I even had my nose over the line but I was able to reclaim my
freedom and I?m certainly convinced
that which does not kill you, makes you twice as strong.
lost our Father four years prior to Ronnie?s tragic death and
our Mother a year after Ronnie. Mom was despondent and hopelessly
downcast from thinking that Ronnie?s life had little meaning.
She prayed for a means
that would personalize his death in a manner that would help other
young people fully understand the dangers and pit-falls
of alcohol.
Mother?s prayers and dreams keep me going. As THE PURPOSE
DRIVEN LIFE teaches, we are all put on earth for a specific
purpose. I believe that Ronnie?s purpose
- was not his life at all, his purpose was his
death and the manner in which he died. His
tragedy, i.e. his purpose, enables me to write
his story which is the catalyst that gives meaning to our program
as we push even harder in quest of changing the life style of
thousands of youth, teenagers and young adults.
will do everything possible to prevent others from falling
into the pathetic, miserable depression of alcohol abuse that
consumed most of Ronnie?s every waking hour and then tragically
stole his life. With
your help, our program will quickly become
Ronnie?s greatest accomplishment and through this achievement
we?ll make a positive change in the life of thousands of the most
precious people on earth, our kids.
Throughout RONNIE you will
find an abundance of comments and endorsements, and for sure,
I cherish each one, but I
am especially fond of the following letter that I received from
Rev. Rick Warren, author of ?THE PURPOSE DRIVEN LIFE?.
I Had
to Make a Difference
years had passed since Ronnie?s sad and lonely death but with
the dawn of every day I became more obsessed with the cause and
circumstances of his demise, but even more so, about how to use
his demise as a positive factor in preventing
others from falling into the same pathetic, miserable
trap that took his life.
difficult as I knew it would be, I had to write his story because
I knew just how miserable he was and I knew about the daily firestorms
that besieged this former football star. I watched him deteriorate
from a fine tuned athlete into someone who literally gave
up on life, lost all self-worth, self-esteem,
self-control, his family, his identify and then his tormented
life to ALCOHOL, the demon that ultimately consumed
I had completed the manuscript of RONNIE,
I knew the task would not be finished until I developed a program
that would give me the opportunity to take his true story
to every young person in America through the book and/or in person.
Often times I have a tendency to direct my message toward student-athletes
simply because they are frequently looked up to, emulated so to
speak, by many students. However, make
no mistake about it, this message is meant for every
youth, every teenager, every young adult as well as their
parents and grandparents.
story is of a person who forfeited his life to ALCOHOL
that began with
casual, social drinking in high school. After
all the glory days of college football were no more, the curse
left him an empty shell of a man who was convinced there remained
no real purpose for his life.
my humble opinion, I have written a book that will be of interest
to a vast audience, as noted by our many endorsers. I
guarantee that it will touch
your deepest emotions. I am convinced that
we can change the life style of thousands of our young people,
but to do this I need the support of many.
I have no choice but to spread this message to every corner of
America. It is my intent to make Ronnie?s story and our
program a national movement
in scope, but again, I truly need the help
of all interested parties for this to become a reality.
me put it to you this way: If through this book and/or our live
presentation, we can play a significant role in the life of just
one young person and be the
incentive and inspiration that prevents him or her from falling
into the same wretched quagmire as did RONNIE,
then it will be something that every person in your
community will never, ever forget.
is most important that everyone understands my desire is to be
exceptionally effective with each facet of this program. When
someone has lived with a story as I have Ronnie?s, it?s difficult
for me to even consider the remotest possibility of not presenting
our case effectively. Yet, I am acutely aware that I
must convey my insight, feelings and opinions
to our young people, their parents, grandparents and friends in
a manner whereby they will grasp the full impact of ?A
Message from Ronnie?.
we establish our presence around the country I want to bring our
live presentation to as many communities as possible and by the
time we leave, I can assure you that everyone will know we?ve
been there. I will spend as much time as my
schedule permits, meeting with all media that wants to
learn about our goal and purpose and be available to
visit with talk radio personnel, newspapers and television news
and/or sports shows that offer an invitation.
visiting your community I would like to address a civic club and
speak at a church and/or a school. My goal is to make sure that
everyone in your area knows of the plight
that ultimately claimed Ronnie?s life!
You will be as successful
As you want to be
I have spoken with thousands of people
concerning the issue of underage drinking and alcohol
abuse and without exception;
everyone has expressed their absolutely support and personal belief
in the message that we advocate through RONNIE
and A Message from Ronnie.
Not long ago in my home area I met with the
president of a credit union and asked him to sponsor a case of
books for a local high school. He inquired how many books were
in a case and when I said twenty-four and he countered with ?I?ll
take six cases?. He donated them to each member
of the football, basketball and baseball teams and one to each
coach. In the Greater Pensacola area, in a relative short time
frame, I signed up sponsors for more than 150 cases and my success
rate per each call is between ninety and ninety-five percent.
Believe me, ours is a program that everyone can
and will graciously support.
Rather than help earn profits for stockholders
of giant book stores, I have chosen to share a healthy percent of
our profits with those who join our effort because our program and
message is all about assisting
young people, For
students who share our interest, goal, purpose and objective, our
financial royalties will greatly assist them with their college
expenses, but more important,
they will play a major role in making a difference in the lives
of many young people.
It has
been asked if our program would be a better fit for students who
have chosen marketing as their major. My stock answer is: the
very best fit will be students who
truly believe in the purpose of our goal and what we will accomplish,
no matter their major!
You do
not sell books door to door!
Let me make certain that you understand
right upfront, please do not
confuse this program with the old, worn out,
antiquated, door to door book selling ventures that you may have
been familiar with in the past. This is not what we are about.
We are, however, a program that uses RONNIE?S
story to spread his message to as many youth, teenagers and young
people as we can reach,
therefore, the book, obviously, is the basis and means of finding
success of reaching our goal and making a difference. I promise
that you will like what we are doing.
I?ve designed our ONE-ON-ONE
INITIATIVE around opening doors for you in an unbelievable
fashion. You can rest assured, if
you have an outgoing personality and if you
absolutely believe in the purpose of our message, you and the
program will be a tremendous success across your community.
will make a Difference
By involvingYOUR Community
Because our program does make a tremendous
difference in the life of our young people, it?s a program that
every business and professional person in your community
will support if you will
explain to them in detail our goal and purpose.
How much of your time will be required?
I developed the program so that you can set your own work schedule
and decide just how many sponsors that you would like to enlist.
Based on my own personal experience you can just about count on
acquiring a sponsor for each dedicated hour of work. We have the
product and the sponsors are certainly
willing, provided the program is presented
to them in a clear and concise fashion.
There is no doubt in my mind that if you
are committed to being successful, both you and the program will
be. It maters not what number of sponsors you set for yourself,
you will accomplish that goal and more, and by so doing, you will
also play a major role
in the life style of countless numbers of young people.
You are not permitted to sell over the phone,
by e-mail or internet. You have to meet ONE-ON-ONE
with each potential sponsor. Obviously, you can call to make an
appointment; however, the great majority of sponsors that I have
enlisted came from cold-turkey calling and asking for a few minutes
of the owners (or presidents) time. And as noted, my success rate
has been between ninety and ninety-five percent.
You need to sit down face
to face and detail the program in its entirety.
You have to take your copy of RONNIE
so he/she can see exactly what you are talking about. The book
is an awesome prop and your prospect will most certainly know
those who have chosen to lend their words as endorsements. Since
you are working to accomplish such a magnificent
motive, coupled with being a full time student
or a parent who sincerely cares about young people, this gives
you an open door access.
I promise you, those you meet with will understand
what our goal and purpose is all about and will gladly get involved,
remember they have children and grandchildren also!
They are fully aware
of the dilemma that our young people face every day of their life.
They have seen and read about the horrors of binge drinking and
other wretched situations that control the daily life
of countless numbers of our young.
For absolute certain, you will want to ask
every sponsor that you enroll to pick up the phone and call two
or three friends and ask them to give you a few minutes of their
time. This is the very best
means of making in-roads quickly and this format must be pursued
without exception!
Unless you reside in
an extremely small community, I can assure you there are more
than one hundred businesses and professional men and
women who will support our program if you detail to them our goal
and purpose.
When calling on potential sponsors here are a few categories that
you must not overlook:
General Contractors
All Elected Officials
including, but not limited to?
County Commissioners
City Councilmen and women
Superintendent of Education
City Managers
Utility Companies
Electrical Power
Insurance companies
Health care facilities
Walk-in Clinics
Auto dealers
Boat dealers
Auto maintenance companies
Hundreds of Professional Men
& Women
Parent Teacher Associations
School Principals
Our sponsors are, in
every respect, our Ambassadors.
They are the backbone of our success. We depend on them and this
you must express to each potential sponsor.
For instance, when one hundred cases
of RONNIE are sponsored in your community
this generates 2,400 copies of the book that we distribute to
2,400 families with students.
This begins to move our message across your community.
books belong to the sponsors
to do with as they wish.
Some books will be given to students
and schools of your community. Other books will be sent across
country to family members and acquaintances and this is
exactly what we want because it helps us spread our
message far and wide.
We estimate that every book will be read
by three or four families each year and with a twenty year shelf
life or greater; each book will
touch hundreds of young people. And from comments we?ve
received, we know for sure that RONNIE
enjoys a tremendous and appreciative adult readership.
Because of the purpose and intent of
this program, you will not find anyone who disagrees with
what we advocate,
therefore, a commanding percent of those who are asked will quickly
take you up on your offer and enroll as a sponsor.
It is important that
you explain that you are not asking
for a donation, but asking sponsors to purchase books
at the same price they would pay at their
local bookstore. As noted previously, we make a much better and
for sure a more important use of the profits than would stockholders
of giant book stores.
When considering a list of recipients for
complementary books we suggest
and hope that sponsors will lean toward giving
them to family members, friends, patients, clients or customers
who have children in middle school, high school or college.
And don?t
forget, RONNIE makes a perfect gift for
any occasion.
A Special, Dedicated Page for
Our Sponsors
Every sponsor will be making a dramatic
and positive difference in the life
of many young people throughout their community.
To show our appreciation and continuing
thanks, we provide at the front of each book a dedicated
page where our sponsors
may place a notation identifying him/her as the donor. This can
be a stick-on label, rubber stamp or a hand-written personal note.
We?ve found that books are used
most effectively when doctors give them to
their patients, businesses to their customers, attorneys to their
clients, etc. A copy of RONNIE is an
extremely effective marketing tool for every sponsor.
Each book will float around your community
for years and years and with each reading the sponsor will receive
phone calls expressing appreciation.
Our marketing goal is for each sponsor
to purchase a full case of books (and don?t be surprised if some
choose to sponsor more than
one case). However, a few may elect to sponsor less than a case,
and this, too, is very much appreciated.
The cost per case (24 books) is $575
(No shipping and handling cost)
All orders of less than a full case
incurs S&H charges as follows:
Half-case (12 books) is $295
Quarter-case (6 books) is $149.
Single copies are $26.90.
As soon as you
are notified that you have been assigned an
exclusive territory, the time to start calling on potential sponsors
is at hand.
Please understand, and I want to emphatically
stress, even though your royalty earnings are very good, they
are secondary to our cause. So I urge you not
to lose sight of our primary
purpose which is to make a difference in the lives
of our young people.
You are
not required to purchase inventory. You simply
enlist sponsors and pick up their check made payable to BADM BOOKS.
You then download
and complete an order form and send it along
with the sponsors check to BADM BOOKS, address provided below.
We will return your
royalty commission within five days of receiving
each sponsors check and order form.
We ship books direct
to the sponsor within a week.
Herein I have gone to great lengths to
make sure everyone absolutely understands
my desire to take this program into every community across America.
However, what we must prevent from
happening is someone who has been assigned an exclusive territory
not performing to an acceptable level. Should this happen, we
will have wasted precious time that we cannot recapture. Therefore,
we have established a bare minimum
number of sponsors to be enrolled by each Representative in order
for them to retain their exclusive arrangement within the territory
This bare
minimum is only one case of books per week.
By meeting this minimum you retain your exclusive territory for
as long as the minimum is met. Should you fall below the minimum,
after a two week audition period, we will notify you that you
are in jeopardy of losing your territory and that it may be assigned
to a new Representative.
Your success will bring a tremendous
service to the youth, teenagers and young adults of your community
and with this success you will benefit financially. Best of all,
you can be very successful by dedicating only a couple of hours
per day. This program has been fine tuned, well designed and a
very positive approach towards making a difference
and we will be extremely successful because of dedicated people
who join us in making a difference.
We have much to do and your initial
progress may be slow but, together, we must
begin this journey and take our message to
as many young people as we can reach in your community. If we
have the opportunity to come to your community in person then
Our Live Presentation is a perfect opportunity to say
thanks to your sponsors. You can invite each of them along with
community and civic leaders to join with us for the occasion.
After the assembly I will autograph copies of RONNIE
and chat with anyone who has questions.
Please invite your friends and relatives
and others
We will have a much better opportunity to
make a gigantic impact this year
if you will encourage your friends, neighbors, relatives and others
to join with us. So please make a concerted effort to contact
them no matter where they live throughout the width and breadth
of our great country and ask them to join hands with us.
Please ask
them to visit this website, and don?t forget to have
them click on the jacket cover of RONNIE,
where they can learn the goal, purpose and objective of this important
initiative. With your personal contacts you will help us immensely
in moving forward.
During 2006 if we expand into 500 communities
and if each of our Representatives enlists sponsors for only sixty
cases of books during the year, we will distribute 1,440,000 copies
of RONNIE and this
will impact every family member in that many
Furthermore, by reaching this target, BADM
BOOKS will fund approximately $2.5
million in scholarships that will be awarded
to 1,000 students within the communities that have accepted our
challenge to make a difference.
Although we have established an ambitions
agenda for our first year, with your
personal help this goal can be reached and
perhaps exceeded.
but the smallest of communities will have
sufficient population of concerned citizens, businesses and professional
people who will support our program through the sponsorship of
one-hundred or more cases of books.
addition to advocating a strong message and presenting an exceptional,
progressive program, BADM BOOKS will fund one
$5,000 scholarship per each sixty cases of
“RONNIE” that is sponsored
each year and these scholarship(s) will be awarded to student(s)
within the communities of the sponsors.
Representative will arrange for a local committee to be appointed
and the committee will recommend
those to be considered as recipients of each scholarship. |
Everything Begins With You
To accept our challenge
of applying for a part-time Representative position all that is
necessary is to take the following steps:
1. Go
to our Downloads and complete the Employment Application
- please answer all items.
2. E-mail
this form to Kakwil@hotmail.com
3. Should
you not have computer access then you can mail the application
to the address below, however, this process will take much longer
to complete.
Post Office Box 9728 Pensacola, FL., 32513
NOTE ? Please understand:
By completing the Employment Application Form this does not guarantee
that you are automatically accepted as a Representative. We will
review your application and make a determination based on your
qualifications and the availability of the territory, i.e., the
community, which you have requested. Since this program is young
there is a very good possibility the community you requested will
be available, however, you need to promptly
make application because from all indications
these positions are going to fill rather quickly.
After reviewing your application, and provided
you are accepted, we will notify
you to send your check for one copy
of RONNIE. Your cost is $26.90 which includes
S&H. Please send your check (or money order) to the address
below made payable to BADM BOOKS. Please do not send
cash money.
If you prefer to hasten the process, then
feel free to send your check today for a copy of RONNIE
the day you e-mail your application. Since you are submitting
an application as a Representative you
have already decided that you favor and support
our program so a copy is a must for your personal library.
Checks are made
payable to BADM BOOKS
And mailed to P. O. Box 9728
Pensacola, Florida 32513
With these steps completed you are on
your way to earning very good Royalties but
more important, you are going to MAKE A DIFFERENCE
in the life of many young people.
A short Resume? of
Bill Williams
The following is a short resume? that
will tell you a few things about me. This may be used as introduction
material for speaking engagements.
- A true FLORIDA
NATIVE, (there are only about 300
of us left!), born in Leesburg and
raised in Pensacola.
- Served in the U. S. Army. Owned and operated
four businesses around Pensacola.
- Served on the staff and/or administration
of three Florida Governors and as Director of Legislative Affairs
for the Florida Insurance Commissioner.
- Chaired a multitude of political campaigns
and lobbied in Tallahassee and Washington.
- Served on Board of Directors of Pensacola
Jaycee's and Florida Road Builders Association. Chairman of
Northwest Florida Regional Planning Council and on the Board
for Northwest Florida Water Management District, Santa Rosa
Island Authority and the selection committee for the appointment
of young men and women to the United States Military Academies.
- Own two U.S. patents and have three others
- Wrote, designed and presented to the Florida
Department of Transportation, the Federal Department of Transportation
and the Federal Highway Administration a program that privatizes
Interstate I-10 from Jacksonville, FL to the Mississippi State
- In May of 1997 I founded a company entitled
PEOPLE'S COALITION FOR JUSTICE. The goal and intent is to shorten
the longevity of death row inmates. We do not believe an inmate
should remain on death row 18-20 years or more after being given
the death penalty by a jury of his/her peers.
- I have written four books, TIT FOR TAT,
ACIREMA (Pronounced) ?A-Sa-Re?ma?, RONNIE and WORM
?and of this and that?:
- I ? Witnessed an execution in Florida's
famous "Ole Sparky"
- Went on Florida?s death row to interview
Ted Bundy
- Been invited twice to the White House
for Dinner
- As a teenager had a date with recording
star Brenda Lee, who at the time, had a top ten record on the
- Have three personal friends who became
Governor of Florida and two more who almost did
- Own the most valuable musical instrument
in the world ? Elvis Presley?s very first guitar
- Have visited in 38 states within
the past 30 months promoting my books and discussing our program.
Ours is a proven, well developed, very
do-able concept. We have the product, we have the program and
we have a message that few will rebuke and for those who do, it?s
their loss. I can assure you that you
will be proud of your association with our
?One-On-One? Initiative.
The necessity of our
message is never ending; therefore, the need
for RONNIE and A Message from Ronnie
is perpetual. Our goal, the youth of our nation, is a segment
of our population that annually increases, therefore,
the necessity for this program, sadly to say, will forever be
I sincerely hope that you will joint
with us and accept the challenge to bring our program into your
community. With your success, local citizens will express the
goodwill that you?ve fostered and will continue to talk about
what we are accomplishing for years into the future and this
is exactly what we want! Be assured that
your community will be most appreciative of your efforts.
Bill Williams
Post Office Box 9728
Pensacola, Florida 32513
After you are
signed on as a Representative I will offer a phone contact
for future use. If you would like to speak with my publisher,
Lance Coalson, he can be reached Monday through Friday
during normal office hours, toll free
(800) 741-2712. |