4909 North Monroe St.
Tallahassee, FL 32303
 Cook Books    
 Inspirational Books    
 Children, biography    

We Accept Credit Card Payment


The books belong to the sponsors
to do with as they wish.

Some books will be given to students and schools of your community. Other books will be sent across country to family members and acquaintances and this is exactly what we want because it helps us spread our message far and wide.

We estimate that every book will be read by three or four families each year and with a twenty year shelf life or greater; each book will touch hundreds of young people. And from comments we?ve received, we know for sure that RONNIE enjoys a tremendous and appreciative adult readership.

Because of the purpose and intent of this program, you will not find anyone who disagrees with what we advocate, therefore, a commanding percent of those who are asked will quickly take you up on your offer and enroll as a sponsor.

It is important that you explain that you are not asking for a donation, but asking sponsors to purchase books at the same price they would pay at their local bookstore. As noted previously, we make a much better and for sure a more important use of the profits than would stockholders of giant book stores.

When considering a list of recipients for complementary books we suggest and hope that sponsors will lean toward giving them to family members, friends, patients, clients or customers who have children in middle school, high school or college.

And don?t forget, RONNIE makes a perfect gift for any occasion.

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