You will be as successful
As you want to be
I have spoken with thousands of people
concerning the issue of underage drinking and alcohol
abuse and without exception;
everyone has expressed their absolutely support and personal belief
in the message that we advocate through RONNIE
and A Message from Ronnie.
Not long ago in my home area I met with the
president of a credit union and asked him to sponsor a case of
books for a local high school. He inquired how many books were
in a case and when I said twenty-four and he countered with ?I?ll
take six cases?. He donated them to each member
of the football, basketball and baseball teams and one to each
coach. In the Greater Pensacola area, in a relative short time
frame, I signed up sponsors for more than 150 cases and my success
rate per each call is between ninety and ninety-five percent.
Believe me, ours is a program that everyone can
and will graciously support.
Rather than help earn profits for stockholders
of giant book stores, I have chosen to share a healthy percent of
our profits with those who join our effort because our program and
message is all about assisting
young people, For
students who share our interest, goal, purpose and objective, our
financial royalties will greatly assist them with their college
expenses, but more important,
they will play a major role in making a difference in the lives
of many young people.
It has
been asked if our program would be a better fit for students who
have chosen marketing as their major. My stock answer is: the
very best fit will be students who
truly believe in the purpose of our goal and what we will accomplish,
no matter their major!